2023: Inland Storms Increase
When it comes to big storms, hurricanes are tracked for several days and receive 24/7 network coverage. With service locations throughout the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic, TeamCraft Roofing covers every coastal state from Texas to New Jersey providing indispensable service to recover from the most horrific storms.
What often gets less media coverage are inland storms; tornadoes, microbursts, to severe hail that are quickly removed from the national news cycle.
We’re only three weeks into 2023 and we’ve experienced a notable increase in emergency repair requests due to inland storms throughout our service footprint.
Here’s a few tips to prepare for (and recover from) severe inland catastrophic events:
Prioritize Preventive Maintenance – our highly skilled service technicians will perform a comprehensive inspection and provide a report that will identify weak spots, and or areas prone to failure. A split seam might survive your average storm, but high winds will rip it wide open.
Cleaning Is Key – leaves and debris left unchecked will clog drains, scuppers, and gutters. Severe thunderstorms and microbursts dump inches of rain over a short period of time overwhelming drains that may cause excessive pooling on the roof.
Secure Every Item – everything on your roof should be securely fastened. Unsecured items will quickly become deadly projectiles. We’ve seen antennas turn into spears that rip through roofing membrane, and roof top HVAC systems ripped from their foundations causing disastrous natural gas leaks.
Know Your Roofer – in times of crisis relationships are key. When major storms strike, roofing companies get booked solid quickly, installing tarps and stopping leaks. By working with a trusted roofer (instead of chasing the lowest bid), you’ll receive priority treatment to prevent and or minimize business interruption.