Hurricane Season 2022

The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season has landed, and there is a 65% chance that we will have an above-normal number of named storms and hurricanes.

Similar to 2021, supply-chain disruptions, are still a real issue, compounded by gas prices and the war in Ukraine. This envioronment has lead to a critical shortage of many roofing materials.

If your building is in the path of a storm sustains damage, the materials to make permanent repairs could take months to source. Planning ahead will be more critical than ever to protect everything under your roof.

Here at TeamCraft Roofing, or mission is to shelter those we care about — our customers, employees, and vendors. This means we reserve our materials and personnel to serve our existing clients, instead of being storm chasers.

Schedule an inspection today to can help identify areas of concern on your roof. Getting ahead of the storm is the best way to avoid preventable damage, and keep your roof water tight. For an expert evaluation, contact us here, or give us a call at 888-766-3001.


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